The Herb Stop Blog

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  • Recipe of the Week - Warming Honeybush Chai (Caffeine-Free)

      When I think of the cool weather approaching, I immediately crave warming hot teas!  My favorite warming teas are Chai Teas.  Typically these teas are consumed for enjoyment, but did you know that all the delicious spices are specific to aid digestion and warm the body?  Warming the body from the inside out has a very distinct feeling, compared to standing in front of a heater.  When the body is warm on the inside, the heat radiates outward throughout the entire body.  Some even experience a tingling sensation in the extremities. Because the herbs added to Chai also benefit...

  • Top 8 Natural Remedies For Your First Aid Kit

    Everyone knows the importance of a first aid kit. Besides band-aids, sterile gauze, and other common items, you may want to include a variety of herbs and other natural remedies, so that you are prepared to treat common ailments and injuries. Most emergencies respond very well to herbal treatments. Aloe Vera An aloe vera plant is a must in every home. Bring it inside during the winter months, as it does not tolerate temperatures below 32 degrees. Aloe vera is an amazing plant to relieve superficial and more serious burns, as well as burns from radiation during cancer treatments. Aloe...

  • Autumn Season Cleanse!

    At each change of season it is wise to undertake a “cleanse”. Throughout the ages people have always cleansed in the spring and autumn to eliminate toxins. Toxicity is of much greater concern in the twenty-first century than ever before. There are many more new chemicals in our environment and we ingest more sugar, unrefined foods and abuse our bodies with various stimulants and sedatives. So, lets get ready for an autumn cleanse, because a clean body has a better chance of fighting colds, flu and viral infections. For more information please check out Dr. Elson Haas website on...

  • Herbs & Diet for Headaches & Migraines

    What is a Headache? In medical terms: cephalalgia. Headaches are described as pain in the head, neck or upper back.  The common causes are tension, migraine, eye strain, dehydration, low blood sugar and sinusitis. There are 5 general types of headaches which include: Vascular headaches are most commonly migraines. Next common are toxic headaches – usually from fever, or disease. Muscular headaches which involve tightening of facial and neck muscles. Tension headaches are the most common form. Cervicogenic headaches are anatomical in nature. Caused by keeping one’s head in an uncomfortable position for too long, or an injury causing pressure...

  • Blending Your Own Herbal Teas

    Do you have a variety of herbs growing in your garden?  Do you like drinking herbal teas? Perhaps I can interest you to go into your garden, snip a few herbs and artistically blend them into a delicious restorative beverage that can also heal, calm or energize your body, mind and soul?  If you do not have an herb garden, you can visit our store and choose from a great variety of dried herbs from around the world. There are no hard and fast rules in tea blending, but for beginners it makes sense to work with single herbs until...

  • Protein - What & Why

    Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies. Made up of amino acids, they provide structure and function to our bodies. They are responsible for growth and repair of our cells. Important chemicals, such as enzymes, hormones and even DNA are made up partially of protein. There are nine essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce (which include lysine and tryptophan); therefore, we must obtain them from foods. The other 13 nonessential amino acids are produced by the body and are not necessary to find them in our diets. Complete and Incomplete Proteins Certain foods contain all the essential...

  • Top 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

    Did you know that tea is the second most commonly drank liquid on earth after water? Maybe one of the reasons is for its health benefits. If you are not drinking tea yet, the most potent health beverage ever, here is some information for you: Tea has less caffeine than coffee. A cup of tea contains only approximately 30 mg of caffeine, versus 135 mg in a cup of coffee. Tea adds to your necessary daily fluid intake. Tea has no calories, unless you add milk or a sweetener. Tea increases your metabolic rate. Tea contains antioxidant properties. Tea may...

  • Recipe of the Week - Vegan & Gluten-Free Hawaiian-Style Pizza

    Pizza - is there a food that is more comforting?  Every once in a while I crave pizza and when I do, this has been my favorite recipe. Warm pineapple and bell pepper - yumm!!  The crust is made from a product called Chebe.  Almost all of their mixes are basically "everything"-free.  Gluten free, grain-free, soy free, corn free, rice free, potato free, yeast free, peanut free, egg free, sugar free, lactose/casein free, iodine free, Non-GMO and so on!  Made mostly from Tapioca Flour, it's not exactly like bread, but it's a really amazing flavor and the texture is quite...

  • Comfort Herbs for Menopause

    It always amazes me that in our era menopause very often is considered a condition needing medical intervention. Menopause is neither a medical condition nor is it a disease. It is a time when a woman goes through great hormonal changes just as she did in her teenage years. Some women go through menopause without discomfort and others experience a variety of uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, poor concentration, acne, lymphatic congestion, water retention, weight gain and mood swings. Herbal remedies, as many menopausal women already have discovered, can offer great comfort in alleviating these problems. And, women...