Keeping Warm


If your mother always warned you to keep warm to avoid catching a cold, it seems she was right. Scientists say they have the first proof that there really is a link between being cold and catching one. Studies at the Common Cold Center in Cardiff, England, have shown for the first time, a link between chilling and viral infections – something previously dismissed by other studies. Professor Ronald Eccles, says: “When viruses are circulating in the community, many people are mildly infected but show no symptoms. If they become chilled, this causes a pronounced constriction of the blood vessels in the nose and shuts off the warm blood that supplies the white cells that fight infection. The reduced defenses in the nose allow the virus to get stronger and common cold symptoms develop. The fact that common colds are more prevalent in the winter could be related to an increased incidence of chilling causing more clinical colds. In Traditional Chinese Medicine “cold invasion” is a term used when treating patients who have a cold.

*Article published on website

Add Warming Cayenne And Ginger To Your Recipes

Cayenne is warming, improves circulation, and strengthens the heart, arteries, capillaries and nerves. It also increases the power of all herbs.
Ginger is warming, helpful when there is poor circulation, as well as for cramps, muscle and joint pain.

Congestion Clearing Tea

When you have a cold you have a good reason to stay home and drink tea. Congestion Clearing Tea has a warming and spicy flavor to soothe a sore throat and to calm a cough. Additionally, breathing in the steam has a beneficial aroma therapeutic effect.

Warming Winter Relaxing Tea

This beautiful tea is deeply relaxing, leaving you refreshed in the morning. Some people have noticed when drinking one cup before retiring, that they need fewer hours of sleep.

Warming Pepper Soup

6 red or yellow bell peppers
3 garlic cloves  1 onion
½ - 1 cup boiled potatoes (to thicken the soup)
6 cups vegetable stock
¼ tsp cayenne or ginger
¼ tsp cinnamon

One of our students from Herb Stop's Become An Herbalist Level Two created this amazing recipe as her class project. Roast peppers until the skins turn black. Place peppers in a paper bag to steam for a few minutes. Take them out of the bag and rub the skin off. In a small frying pan sauté the garlic and onion for approximately 3 minutes. Combine all ingredients and puree in a blender. Heat up the soup and enjoy!

Warming Essential Oils

Black Pepper is known to be warming and helpful for poor circulation, poor muscle tone, pain, chills, catarrh, ear aches, colds and flu infections.
Peru Balsam is known to be warming, stimulating, anti-microbial and antiseptic.

Warming Baths

1 cup Epsom salt
1 cup sea salt
10 drops of essential oils

Mix together and add to your bath. Add to your bath. Relax and warm up.

Viral Balance

This vibrational essence boosts the immune system, clears the body of viral imbalances and thins the blood.  Good for colds and flus. Vibrational Essences are safe for people to take who are on medications, as they do not interact with them.  

Enjoy the Winter and Keep Warm,

Leilah & Natalie

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