Woman with stomachache

3 Powerful Herbs to Help Relieve Stomachaches

Woman with stomachache

Stomachaches are no fun. 

Whether you get them regularly or just out of the blue, nobody wants to spend time dealing with an irritated, inflamed, and sometimes painful upset stomach. 

With the holidays, special occasions, or even fun with friends, many of us may accidentally overeat food or will be eating more decadent foods than we’re used to, leading to unpleasant stomachaches and heartburns. 

Because stomachaches are so common, we recommend keeping an herbal remedy on hand that will soothe your stomach. This way, you’re not left without an effective remedy whenever your next stomachache hits. Read on to learn more about some of our favorite herbs to support your digestive health and ease stomachache symptoms. 

Marshmallow Root

If we were to describe marshmallow root in one word, it would be soothing. 

Marshmallow root has traditionally been used to soothe irritated and inflamed mucous membranes in the stomach, throat, bladder, and small and large intestines. More recently, the Committee of Herbal Medicinal Products has concluded that marshmallow root can help relieve mild stomach and gut discomfort in many people. Other scientific research has studied and shown evidence that marshmallow root can be helpful in treating irritated mucous membranes. This same study also showed promising results that suggested marshmallow root can stimulate the cells that boost tissue regeneration in our bodies! 

Some of our favorite marshmallow root supplements: 

  • Marshmallow Root Capsules: These capsules are made with pure Marshmallow root, making them a soothing choice that can ease discomfort from irritated and inflamed mucous membranes, whether these are located in the stomach, throat, bladder, or more. 
  • Solar Plexus Chakra Tea: Our solar plexus chakra is located right above the navel and is considered the “second mind” of the body. It’s also the center of our digestive system and deeply affects our emotions and self-control. If you’re looking for something to support your digestive system daily, try our delicious Solar Plexus Chakra Tea, which includes powerful and supportive ginger, marshmallow root, pineapple, and more. 
  • Belly Soother Capsules: Created with a smorgasbord of soothing herbs, our Belly Soother Capsules are a fantastic choice for those looking to relieve symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), stomachaches, and ulcers. Our Belly Soother Capsules include soothing marshmallow root, probiotics, ginger, and more. 


If you suffer from indigestion or nausea, ginger is the herb for you! 

Many researchers believe that chronic indigestion may be the result of the delayed emptying of the stomach. Scientific studies have demonstrated that ginger can speed up your stomach emptying, especially if taken before eating. In one study, participants with chronic indigestion were given ginger capsules an hour before eating. Those who received ginger, rather than the placebo pill, emptied their stomachs faster, resulting in less indigestion. 

In a second study with the same research team, healthy individuals given ginger an hour before their meal also emptied their stomachs faster than those who took the placebo pill. In fact, the participants who received the ginger capsules actually emptied their stomachs in around half the time it took the participants who took the placebo! 

Research has also shown that ginger helps relieve nausea and vomiting, especially in pregnant women. All in all, ginger is a powerful and tasty herb that can be added to your food, drank in a tea, or taken as a capsule. 

Here are a couple of our favorite ginger products: 

  • Nature’s Zymes Capsules: With a potent combination of ginger, turmeric, fennel, and more, our Nature’s Zymes Capsules are a great way to support healthy digestive function. Whether you’re struggling with gas, indigestion, bloating, or uncomfortable fullness, these capsules can ease digestive upset and may help you to break down your food more efficiently. 
  • Lemon Ginger Rooibos Tea: If you enjoy a complex combination, this spicy ginger, tart lemongrass, and sweet dried pineapple tea combination is for you! This tea is caffeine-free and a lovely choice that relaxes and soothes the body. 
  • Nature’s Zymes Powder Power Shake: This is an excellent choice if you prefer a delicious shake to capsules. Our Nature’s Zymes Powder Power Shake contains ginger, along with turmeric, fennel, cardamom, cumin, and more. 
  • Exit Plan Power Shake: Many people experience stomach pain when constipated, so we wanted to include our Exit Plan Power Shake on this list as another helpful option. This yummy ginger apple shake contains many colon-supporting herbs, such as golden flax seeds, marshmallow root, ginger, fiber, and more. 
  • Ginger Root Tea: For a simple, warming, and spicy beverage, try our scrumptious Ginger Root Tea out. 
  • After Dinner Tea: This tea is a wonderful option for those who struggle with tightness in their stomach or indigestion. We recommend this to our clients for anything from promoting healthier digestion to soothing an upset stomach to reducing nausea and brain fog after a meal. 
  • Crystalized Ginger: These delicious treats are a tasty option for snacking on before a meal.


Turmeric is another fantastic herb for supporting your digestive system. One study with 207 volunteers even found that turmeric may improve IBS symptoms. In this study, the volunteers who took turmeric for eight weeks reported significant abdominal pain and discomfort reduction. 

Interested in adding turmeric to your diet? Try these out: 

  • Turmeric Ginger Tea: We love this combination because it combines ginger and turmeric for a potent digestive supporting tea. On top of that, this caffeine-free tea is delicious and warming to the taste buds! 
  • Turmeric Capsules: If you’re interested in a regular supplement that promotes healthy liver and digestive function, along with a better inflammatory response, try our Turmeric Capsules out! 
  • Turmeric Powder Power Shake: Turmeric is both a powerful antioxidant and soothing herb known for its anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits. Our Turmeric Powder Power Shake contains solely organic turmeric powder for maximum benefit. 
  • Turmeric Extract: Our Turmeric Extract is a terrific way to add this natural antibiotic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory herb to your everyday routine. Simply add some into a small glass of water and drink up. 

Last but certainly not least, we wanted to include our Curing Pills, also known as Kang Ning Wan or Healthy Peaceful Pills. Curing Pills are traditionally used for various stomach problems from the stomach flu, nausea, upset stomachs, diarrhea, gas, and more. 

Until Next Time, 

Natalie and Leilah

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