Man holding his stomach in pain

Constipated? Try These 3 Natural Laxative Herbs to Support Yourself

We’ve all been there. And nobody enjoys the feeling of constipation. 

Despite how common constipation is — an estimated 16% of adults in the U.S. struggle with it, and this jumps to 33% if you’re 60 or older — most of us are uncomfortable asking for help out of embarrassment. 

But there’s nothing to feel awkward about. Constipation happens to everyone at one time or another, and some of us are at a higher risk. For example, women who are pregnant or have recently given birth, older adults, and individuals taking certain medications or with specific health problems all experience it at a higher rate. 

So, let’s tackle this tricky topic today by sharing three supportive herbs and why they may help with constipation. 

Cascara Sagrada

Cascara has been used as a laxative by Native Americans for centuries. In the 19th century, it was integrated into Western medical practices and found to be generally safe and well-tolerated. According to the National Library of Medicine, it is typically a safe herbal laxative as long as it's used for short-term use. 

The University of Rochester Medical Center shares that the cascara bark has anthraquinone glycosides, which act as a laxative or cathartic. When taken by mouth, it may increase bowel movements and help empty the colon. 

The UC San Diego School of Medicine notes that cascara may help treat constipation and empty the colon. It may even help with parasitic infestations, though researchers have yet to establish this claim firmly. 

Interested in trying cascara? Try these out: 

  • Cascara Sagrada Capsules: These capsules may help with occasional constipation and encourage healthy bowel function. It’s also known for supporting the body when it’s experiencing gallbladder or liver ailments.  
  • Regularity Capsules: We recommend this formula to encourage healthy bowel function and provide support for occasional constipation. It contains cascara sagrada, buckthorn bark, marshmallow root, and many other supportive herbs to support improved regularity. 
  • Slim Support Capsules: This formula is ideal for those interested in supporting their weight loss goals. While it contains some cascara, it doesn’t contain enough to be a laxative or stimulant, making it a better choice for those interested in a daily supplement. These capsules promote weight loss goals by encouraging better nutrient absorption and digestion and protecting against sugar cravings. 

Rhubarb Root

Rhubarb is a beautiful plant with reddish stalks and a distinctive, sour taste. In Asia, rhubarb roots have been traditionally used medicinally, especially for supporting elimination and cleansing. This is an interesting plant - the stalks are perfect for jams, pies and jellies, the root is a powerful laxative, and the leaves are toxic!

One 2020 study found that supplementing with rhubarb root helped to prevent diet-induced obesity and diabetes. Researchers reviewed the gut-driving effects of rhubarb extract. They found that after eight weeks, rhubarb supplements prevented diabetes, visceral adiposity (fat stored deep within the body), tissue inflammation, and other health issues without diet modifications. The study concludes that rhubarb supplementation was sufficient to shield the animals against metabolic disorders induced by carbohydrate and lipid-rich diets. 

So, how does this relate to constipation? Scientists share that rhubarb reinforced the gut barrier function. The gut barrier is critical for digestive health and may encourage better digestion and relieve constipation, making this a fascinating find. 

If you’re interested in incorporating rhubarb root, we recommend our Regularity Capsules as rhubarb is very powerful and works better in combination with other herbs. These capsules combine many wonderful herbs, including rhubarb root, Triphala, marshmallow root, cascara sagrada, and more. 

Dandelion Root

Dandelion root has many uses, but it’s most popular for stimulating the digestive system. Many herbalists recommend it for chronic constipation, particularly if you suspect your constipation is caused by poor digestion. It may also help to balance your electrolytes. 

A 2022 study found that dandelion root may be an effective alternative medicine or therapy against gastrointestinal disorders. Many gastrointestinal diseases cause symptoms like constipation, bloating, gas, and nausea, making this a particularly relevant study. Researchers found that the herb may alleviate symptoms like gastrointestinal inflammation because of the herb’s anti-inflammatory and anti-oxide active substances. It may even be a nontoxic, effective anticancer alternative because of its many terpenoids and polysaccharides. While more research is needed, these are incredible findings. 

A comprehensive study found that many parts of the dandelion provide excellent health benefits. For example, the dandelion plant contains calcium, fiber, iron, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin A. 

Plus, scientists have found that dandelion roots contain inulin, which has prebiotic potential and may help with digestive problems and constipation. Other reported benefits include that dandelion root may curb the girth of pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and repress obesity, osteoporosis, and cancer. These findings need further study, but we’re excited to see so many unique, supportive benefits that dandelion root may offer us. 

Another interesting finding this study review shares is that dandelion has been used in traditional medicine as a hepatoprotective or liver-protecting ingredient. Gastrointestinal symptoms, such as constipation, are common in patients with liver problems like cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), so this combination may be more important than we know! 

Interested in trying dandelion root? We recommend our Dandelion Root Capsules, which support healthy liver function, may help with chronic constipation (especially when caused by poor digestion), and may stimulate healthy digestive system activity. For the best results, take two capsules three times daily or as your medical doctor directs. 

We recommend our hydrating teas blog post and fiber article for additional information about supporting your body. Water and fiber intake can help with constipation and digestion, so give these a read for more ideas. 

Thanks for reading! 

Herbalist Natalie & Herbalist Leilah

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Thank you, Sharr. If you need any other support, please let us know.
-Herbalist Natalie

Herb Stop

Good info, will use.


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