Herb Stop
Defined Energy Enhancement
Defined Energy Enhancement
100% Natural & Vegan
This essence focuses upon energetic vibrations. If, for example, you are a Reiki practitioner and you use this essence, it will narrow, enhance and intensify the vibrational healing energy you use. It is similar to a broad light beam narrowed down to a laser beam, reaching farther and with greater intensity and depths. Defined Energy Enhancement is excellent to use for remote healing. In the hands of the right person, a good healer, it can be an excellent tool, amplifying the actual processes of healing by approximately 20 – 30 folds.
Caution: Healing is an emotional process which tends to focus on the emotional body to fuel it. If your emotions are down, this essence is going to fuel the downward spiral. For example, if someone has manic-depressive, neurotic, or psychotic tendencies, this essence would be contraindicated, because it would be similar to a black hole, which would enhance their depression. Do not take when depressed, or emotionally unstable.
Ingredients: The life force collected from Black Amethyst, transferred into distilled water and preserved with grape alcohol.
Suggested Use: 3 drops, 3 times daily, or as directed.
Made in the USA by The Herb Stop