Did you know that vitamins cannot be absorbed effectively without the presence of minerals? For example, vitamin C supplements are usually combined with minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc., to allow for better digestion and absorption. Adding minerals to vitamin C is also known as "buffered C". Supplement makers differ in opinions about what kind of mineral(s) to add to vitamins, as well as the appropriate amount. Thankfully, Mother Nature has perfected the art and science of blending together vitamins and minerals in freshly grown organic foods and herbs since the beginning of time. These life-enhancing nutrients are wonderfully balanced and work together to accomplish more than they would on their own.
Why do we need minerals? Minerals help your body grow, develop and function properly to stay healthy. They also help with the transmission of nerve impulses. Most people are deficient in minerals, because our food is grown in soil that is depleted in nutrients. A deficiency in minerals in the body is also very often due to difficulties in digesting and absorbing them.
The Herb Stop's Herbal Minerals is made entirely from pure organic vegetables, fruits, and nutrient-dense herbs, conveniently made into Veggie capsules. We do not add sugar or sweeteners, no synthetic binders or fillers, and no artificial flavors or colors.
The Herb Stop's Herbal Mineral Ingredients
Banana peels are packed in nutrients, such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, and calcium (particularly when the peel gets dark). The peels are eaten in many parts of the world, but are not well-known here in the western world. There are many interesting banana peel recipes to choose from.
Beet tops are high in phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, and a trace of chromium. As always, the mineral content depends on the condition of the soil and where it is grown. Beet tops are known for their antioxidant properties.
Blessed thistle contains selenium, copper, ferrous phosphate, and manganese. Blessed thistle is also known by herbalists to increase oxygen uptake.
Bok choy is a leafy green vegetable, high in iron, chlorophyll, copper, zinc, traces of manganese and calcium.
Carrot tops contain iron, zinc, as well as B vitamins and vitamin C (all plants contain vitamin C). Carrots are known for their high beta carotene content.
Chamomile is high in iron, chromium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, chlorophyll, and enzymes. These enzymes can trigger certain processes in the body to support vitamin/mineral balances. Chamomile is known to many people around the world for its calming effect, which can assist better digestion and absorption of nutrients. When you are calm at mealtimes, your body digests and absorbs nutrients much better, than when you are stressed out. A wise woman once told me that chamomile increases tryptophan levels in the brain.
Dandelion leaves is high in chlorophyll, iron, manganese, magnesium, traces of lithium, copper, phosphate, and potassium. People with heart conditions who need to take a diuretic drug may want to ask their doctor if they could take dandelion leaf instead, since it is a diuretic but contains a high amount of potassium.
Fennel seeds contains selenium, potassium, magnesium, traces of copper, chromium, phosphorus. Fennel seeds soothe the digestive system. It also balances the gastrointestinal acids.
Leeks contain enzymes, chlorophyll, zinc, traces of iron, chromium, copper, and nickel.
The Inner Rind of Melons contains, copper, and potassium. Melons also pick up some nutrients from the earth, which produce folic acid when it enters the stomach, to soothe and settle stomach upsets.
Mullein leaves are rich in magnesium, chlorophyll, iron, chromium, copper, traces of phosphate, selenium, as well as high amounts of vitamin C.
Pea protein is an all natural, vegetable-based protein powder derived from yellow peas (split peas) which is a hypoallergenic protein with a high bio-availability of 65.4%.
Pineapples are high in enzymes to stimulate digestion, traces of potassium, chromium, manganese, and nickel. Pineapples are also high in vitamin C and vitamin D.
Radish tops contain iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and copper. There are some unique antioxidants in radish tops. Radish tops are delicious and can be eaten raw or cooked, just like beet tops. I often use Radish tops instead of Spinach. There are many recipes available for cooking with Radish tops.
Red Clover has a broad spectrum of trace minerals, zinc, calcium, chromium, chlorophyll, manganese, copper, and iron. Red clover is known by Herbalists to cleanse the blood, and to improve assimilation of nutrients into the body. I sometimes like to drink a cup of red clover tea at night for a restful sleep.
Rosehips contain small amounts of iron, copper, and chromium. Rosehips are well-known for their high vitamin C content. There are many benefits to using Rosehips.
Rosemary is high in iron, copper, selenium, and traces of manganese. I frequently use Rosemary in a wide variety of ways.
Spinach contains high amounts of iron, chlorophyll, copper, zinc, chromium, to boost energy and to promote well-being.
St. John's Wort is high in sulfur, which opens the sinuses. This allows for improved breathing, which in-turn increases circulation and oxygenation. This relaxes your muscles. It also contains copper, manganese, magnesium, traces of calcium, iron, as well as vitamin B12.
The Herb Stop's Herbal Minerals are easy to digest and absorb. In Nature has a Remedy, Dr. Bernard Jensen has a list of mineral needs for the different body organs.
- Magnesium for the bowels
- Phosphorus for the brain and nervous system
- Manganese for the brain and nervous system
- Sulphur for the liver, skin and circulatory system
- Silicon for the hair and nails
- Copper for the spleen
- Calcium for the teeth and bones
- Iron for the liver
- Bromine for the pituitary gland
- Potassium for tissues and secretions
- Chlorophyll for oxygenation throughout the body
- Zinc for the prostate and urinary system
- Chromium for the pancreas
7 Fun Facts About Minerals In Foods And Plants
- When a fruit or vegetables lacks flavor, it may be due to a lack of minerals. As a gardener I have noticed that my tomatoes taste so much better if I use home made compost instead of any of the well known commercial fertilizer.
- When you cook vegetables, don't throw out the cooking water. Minerals are water soluble. Use this mineral-rich water in soups or other dishes. Or, you may want to steam your vegetables to preserve all the minerals.
- Never drink anything icy with your meals, such as ice water or iced tea. This will hinder mineral absorption, and in the case of calcium, it gets displaced into the joints instead of being absorbed into the the bones, teeth, hair, etc. I have noticed that many people who drink icy beverages with their meals have painful joints or arthritis.
- The mineral content in vegetables, fruits and herbs varies according to where they have been grown. It all depends on the soil, type of fertilizer, location, climate, harvest time, etc. For example, when you pick mullein leaf early in the morning it contains a higher amount of copper, which becomes depleted later on in the day.
- Whenever possible eat the whole vegetable or fruit, root, stems, leaf, and flower. Nature has created balanced nutrients in the whole food and plants. Although some parts of vegetables and plants may not be edible, or may be toxic. For example, rhubarb, the roots are used as a medicine for its laxative/purgative properties, the stalks are delicious in pies and jams, but the leaves are toxic. Always do your research!
- Take ginger with your meals to improve digestion and absorption, and to help assimilate minerals into the body. Some experts say when taking ginger this way, you may be able to absorb your food up to 50 %.
- Most minerals have an alkalizing effect in the body, such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, manganese, chromium, selenium, iron, copper and perhaps a few others. Everyone today is low in alkaline reserve minerals. Your lifestyle also affects your acid/alkaline balance. A healthy body is not just about eating healthy foods, it is also what you watch, read, and the people you hang around with. Nourish your body, as well as your soul!
Tschau mitenand,
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