The Herb Stop Blog

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  • 6 Must-Try Headache Busting Herbal Remedies

    Few things are more frustrating than sitting down to work on anything requiring a little focus when you have a massive headache.  Whether you struggle with headaches due to stress, jaw pain, a medical condition, eye strain, tension, hunger, or the many other things that can trigger headaches, know that you’re not alone.  The Neuroscience Center at NNA estimates that as many as eight million Americans visit their doctor yearly for headaches or headache-related issues. While some headaches are caused by a medical condition that may require treatment from your doctor, you may be able to alleviate others with the...

  • Is Hyaluronic Acid Worth Trying? The Amazing Research Behind this Skin-Care Ingredient

    Hyaluronic acid has received a lot of buzz over the last few years as a superstar skincare ingredient, with common claims like:  It plumps and hydrates the skin unlike anything else!  Hyaluronic acid reduces wrinkles and lines.  It can even reduce scarring and make wounds heal faster.  However, many of us aren’t entirely sure what hyaluronic acid is and if there’s any evidence to back up some of the wilder claims out there.  So, today, we’re tackling what hyaluronic acid is, its touted health benefits, and the research behind these claims to help you decide if this skincare ingredient is...

  • Must-Have Herbal Products for Traveling

    As we approach spring and summer, many of us are already daydreaming about traveling.  Whether it’s taking the kids on a summer vacation, going on an anniversary trip, or taking a solo trip to the mountains, travel is a lot of fun, but it can be exhausting and hard on the body and mind.  To ensure you have a great time on your travels, we always recommend looking into some supportive herbs to give yourself that extra boost so that you can enjoy your next adventure!  Immune Supporting Herbs Traveling is fun but draining, no matter how much you try...

  • Top 4 Health Benefits of White Willow + What The Research Shows

    White willow is often called “nature’s aspirin” because it contains salicin which was used to develop aspirin in the 1800s. Due to this, many people associate white willow with pain relief, but did you know that it actually has several other health benefits? Today, we’re breaking down white willow's top four health benefits and what scientific research has found surrounding these health claims.  1. Pain Relief Let’s start with white willow’s most widely known health benefit - pain relief, particularly for osteoarthritis and low back pain.  There are almost too many studies to name about white willow’s use as a...

  • Do Essential Oils Make You Photosensitive?

    As spring and summer approach, many of us start to think more about protecting our skin from UV radiation from the sunlight, especially as we spend more time outdoors. While specific steps are obvious for protecting your skin, like wearing sunblock and sunglasses, other measures, like being careful about which essential oils you apply topically, should also be considered.  That’s right! Certain essential oils can cause photosensitivity, making you more sensitive to sunlight. Keep reading to learn what happens when your skin becomes photosensitive and how to prevent this from happening.  What is Photosensitivity? Let’s start by answering the question:...

  • Time for a Spring Refresh! The March AromaBox

    The time for spring cleaning is here! This time-honored tradition allows us to freshen our homes as we welcome spring. This task may feel overwhelming, but taking it one step at a time and using refreshing essential oils to support you and clean your home can keep you on task.  Keep reading to learn more about each item in our March AromaBox, its recommended uses, and DIY natural cleaner recipes to help you tackle spring cleaning.  Mountain Air Essential Oil Our Mountain Air Essential Oil is formulated with rosemary, peppermint, lavandin grosso, eucalyptus, clove, and lemon essential oils and supports...

  • Not a Morning Person? Try These Herbal Products + Hacks to Add Some Pep to Your Step!

    If the alarm going off in the morning is your least favorite sound, you’re not alone. These feelings aren’t surprising when one in three adults isn’t getting enough sleep.  We often think of ways to optimize our nighttime routine for better sleep, but did you know that improving your mornings can also improve your sleep?  In addition to making mornings more fun, or at least palatable, a consistent wake-up time and avoiding the snooze button can help your body regulate and develop a healthier sleep cycle.   Today, we’re sharing our favorite life hacks to improve your mornings (and sleep!) and...

  • Show Some Love: 5 Things In Your Life to Show Love to This Valentine's Day

    We all have different reactions to Valentine’s Day. Some of us love spending time with our partner on a romantic date, while others cringe at the thought of commercialized heart balloons and cards. Regardless of where you fall on this spectrum, showing love to yourself and others around you is a healthy, heartwarming activity that we can all enjoy in one way or another.  Here are five different aspects of your life to show love to this Valentine’s Day, ideas for celebrating, and our favorite essential oil recommendations to set the mood, whether romantic, relaxing, or upbeat.  Your Friends  Celebrate...

  • The Top 5 Health Benefits of Rose Petals

    Roses are one of the most iconic symbols of Valentine’s Day. While most of us think of roses as just decorative flowers to display, they actually have a wide variety of health benefits. Today, we’re sharing the top five health benefits of rose petals and how you can incorporate rose petals into your day-to-day life beyond the Valentine’s Day holiday!  High in Antioxidants Rose tea and rose petals are rich in antioxidants, which are compounds that can combat free radicals released during oxidative stress. In return, this may reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases, such as cancer, and help...

  • Top 4 Biggest Cacao Health Benefits + How to Add It To Your Life

    When we think of cacao beans, many of us immediately picture chocolate wrapped in sparkling silver foil. However, cacao actually comes from a tropical tree and was even used as currency in the Aztec empire.  Cacao is also considered an herb, which may strike you as strange because you’re so used to seeing it in a highly processed product heavy in sugar and light in cacao, such as chocolate.  However, cacao can support your health in many areas, including promoting improved neurological, heart, and skin health when consumed in its purer form. Consuming dark chocolate (70% cacao+) and incorporating cacao...